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7 Reasons To Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney in Minnesota

When you can no longer pay your debts, things can get very ugly. You could get calls and mail from angry creditors asking you to pay back their money. Banks may also send collection agencies to collect their debts. You may even receive calls from credit card staffers demanding payment. Some debtors can even go to the extent of suing you. To prevent all this from happening, you need to file for bankruptcy. This will keep you protected and give you peace of mind.

Hire a bankruptcy attorney

1. To protect your properties

After the bankruptcy case has gone through, the court makes an exemption of your possessions which should not be used to pay your debts. Those properties that have not been exempted may be seized and sold by the creditors to settle their debts. Hiring the right bankruptcy lawyer will help you protect what you have rightfully been granted by the court.

Gavel and bankruptcy note

2. Protection from harassment by creditors

When you file for bankruptcy successfully, an automatic stay order is issued. Unfortunately, in some cases, creditors do not respect it and may continue to harass or even threaten you. A bankruptcy attorney can help you have the automatic stay enforced thereby protecting you from such creditors.

3. To increase the chances of success

Filing for bankruptcy is a legal process that requires an understanding of the procedure and involves a lot of paperwork that may be laden with legal jargon. Bankruptcy attorneys have sufficient experience and may, therefore, guarantee a successful process. If you would choose to go it alone, your chances of success may not be as high.

4. Convenience

Filing for bankruptcy is not a one-off affair. It could be a lengthy process that might require follow-ups and lots of court appearances. It may also require many hours of research and consultation especially if you have no legal background. Having a bankruptcy attorney to represent you would save you a lot of time and effort. It is therefore very convenient.

5. They help you make the right decision

Filing for bankruptcy has its pros and cons. While it might save you from a difficult financial situation, it might have negative repercussions in future. For example, you may find it difficult to obtain credit in future. A bankruptcy attorney will walk you through the gains and possible adverse outcomes. You are therefore able to make an informed decision.

6. Help with reaffirmation agreement

A reaffirmation agreement is a legally binding agreement between a debtor and a creditor in which the debtor decides to pay a certain debt in full or partially even if the debt is dischargeable. A bankrupt attorney can help you decide on whether to reaffirm or not.

Empty wallet

7. A bankruptcy attorney can help you establish a good rapport with the parties involved

An attorney with many years of experience may know the judge and the trustee assigned to your case. They know exactly how to deal with these people to make it speedy and as smooth as possible. Without belaboring the point, there indeed are enough reasons to hire a bankruptcy attorney. Other than giving you a peace of mind, a bankruptcy attorney makes the process easier and will increase the chances of a successful outcome.